Essential Glass Care Tips | Abbey Aluminium

Glass is the only building material that not only insulates us from temperature extremes; it can also control the passage of light and heat into and out of our homes.

There are 3 main areas to consider when thinking about windows and glazing for your project: natural light, solar heat gain and thermal conductivity.

By choosing the right performance glass, you can enjoy your views and natural light while controlling UV and glare. Benefit from the natural warming effect of solar heat during winter and minimise its impact during summer and insulate your home against excessive heat loss or gain.

By understanding your climate’s heating and cooling needs, you can determine your overall glass selection priorities. Performance glass can also help to overcome site limitations so you can still enjoy your views without compromising your home’s energy efficiency.

You can combine energy efficient glass with other options, including glass that reduces noise, provides protection from intruders and creates shelter from extreme weather to create the perfect windows for your building project.

Vantage Residential fabricators can advise you regarding the ideal glass for your project.


Clear Float Glass (Annealed)

FGI Clear Float Glass is a visually colourless and distortion free glass providing high light transmission (daylight) and clarity. Clear Float glass is the core base product for most of performance glass products and is commonly used in windows and doors

  • Float glass offers no additional performance benefits in terms of insulation or reduction in solar heat gain
  • Float glass will shatter and may produce dangerous shards of glass if broken

Tinted Glass

Tinted glass is produced by adding metal oxides to float glass during manufacture. Tinted glass absorbs and re-radiates solar energy reducing heat and in can provide cost efficient climate control. Tinted glass also reduces sun glare and is aesthetically appealing.

Tinted glass is available most commonly in colours such as Grey, Green, Bronze & Blue.

  • Tinted glass may be used to control solar heat gain but typically provides limited insulation benefit
  • Tinted glass will shatter and may produce dangerous shards of glass if broken.

Reflective Glass

Reflective Glass achieves offers greater solar control than standard tinted float glass and can be used to create a specific visual appearance in a building.

A metallic coating is applied during the manufacturing process and creates a highly reflective appearance.

Reflective glass is typically available in  Clear, Neutral, Green, Grey, Bronze and Blue colours.

  • Tinted glass may be used to control solar heat gain but typically provides limited insulation benefit

Toughened Glass

Toughened  Glass is a safety glass that has increased strength and will usually shatter in small, pieces when broken. When broken particles are small and are relatively harmless compared with the sharp splinters resulting from the breakage of annealed glass. The toughening process also greatly reduces the risk of thermal breakage and increases strength.

Most popular glass types can be toughened and toughened glass is available in  Clear, Tinted, Reflective and Low E glass types.

  • Toughened glass will shatter into small relatively harmless pieces if broken
  • Toughened glass is stronger than annealed glass
  • Various forms of glass including performance glass can be toughened

Laminated Glass

Laminated Glass is made up of two or more layers of glass permanently bonded together with an interlayer. The lamination process results in the glass panels holding together in the event of breakage, reducing the risk of harm. Laminated Glass is classified as Grade A Safety Glass. The interlayer can be selected to deliver special performance characteristics such as improved insulation properties, improved security, and improved sound insulation properties.

Most popular glass types can be laminated and laminated glass is available in  Clear, Tinted, Reflective and Low E glass types. Laminated glass is a popular choice for residential and commercial windows and doors. Laminated glass offers improved acoustic insulation over typical annealed glass.

  • Laminated glass will hold together if broken reducing the risk of danger from broken glass
  • Various performance qualities can be added to laminated glass using a specially selected interlayer

LowE glass

Low Emissivity glass has a thin metallic coating on the glass that reflects thermal radiation or inhibits its emission reducing heat transfer through the glass. Low E glass reflects the radiation rather than absorbing it, improving insulation. LowE glass is available in a range of colours including, Clear, Neutral, Blue, Green and Grey

  • LowE glass provides improved insulation properties and is a good choice in all climate situations

Double Glazing

Double glazing or Insulated Glass Units (IGU’s) consist of two panes of glass bonded to both sides of an spacer to create one unit. The space between the panes of glass may be filled with Argon gas to increase the insulating properties of the double glazing units. IGU’s can be made up of various types of glass including LowE, Laminated, Toughened, Tinted or reflective glass

  • IGU’s provide significantly improved insulation properties and are ideal for climates where extremes of heat or cool are experienced.


For more information about Glass visit the following websites:

Viridian Glass
Viridian SmartGlass

Australian Glass Group


Glass Care 

Abbey Aluminium only uses glass from reputable suppliers such as ; Watsons Glass,  AGG (Australian Glass Group) , Viridian & Solos Glass, 

This information is offered below is from the AGG website, as a general guide only and specific advice should always be sought before your window cleaner undertakes any cleaning. 

This guidance does not preclude the use of other methods, materials or equipment; however the user should undertake careful evaluation and make suitable enquiries of the suitability of alternative methods, materials or equipment, before using them.

Routine Cleaning

Hand cleaning of the glass surface to visibly remove accumulated dust or fingerprints can be accomplished using a number of different glass cleaning products.

 Recommended cleaning products are Windex® Glass (available from supermarkets) or a mixture of one part vinegar to ten parts water. 

Other commercially available vinegar-based glass cleaners have generally demonstrated an ability to provide a clean, streak-free glass surface.


  • Flood the glass surface with the spray-on cleaning solution or with a cloth saturated with the cleaning solution. Be generous with the amount of solution applied.
  • Scrub the wet surface with a clean, lint free towel or cloth.
  • Wipe dry with a dry, clean, lint free towel or cloth.
  • To prevent streaking, stop wiping when the glass is almost dry and there is a uniform film left on the glass surface.

Special Products

Glasses with a Low-E or reflective coating need to be treated with care. Please ensure special care is taken when cleaning these glass types to ensure the coating is protected and not damaged once cleaned. Do not use razor blades, steel wool or other metallic objects on the coated surface.

What not to do

Do not clean the glass when the glass is hot or in direct sunlight.

Do not allow cleaning solutions to contact the edges of Laminated glass, Insulating Glass Units or Mirrors.

Do not use cleaners which contain Hydrofluoric or Phosphoric acid as they are corrosive to the glass surface.

Abrasive cleaners, powder based cleaners, scouring pads or other harsh materials should not be used to clean windows or other glass products.

Do not store or place other material in contact with the glass. (This can damage the glass or create a heat trap leading to thermal breakage).

Avoid causing extreme temperature changes to the glass as this may lead to thermal fracture of the glass, i.e. do not splash hot water on cold glass or freezing water on hot glass.

Some tapes or adhesives can stain or damage glass surfaces. Avoid using such materials unless they are known to be easily removed.