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Tips for selecting the right windows for your home

Aluminium windows that we've provided for a home in Sydney

There are plenty of considerations to make when choosing the right set of windows for your home, from their purpose to their aesthetic appeal, it is never an easy choice. To help make the decision easier for you we have outlined the three most important factors to take into account when choosing your ideal windows; style, performance and material.

The different styles of window to choose from:

The purpose of your windows will be central to the shape and style that you choose.

Considering energy efficiency and performance:

There are several practical considerations that you should take into account when choosing windows for your home that are not just about style. Some important points to think about include:

What material is right for you?

Common window framing materials include wood, uPVC and aluminium. While each has its own strengths, such as the aesthetic appeal of wooden frames or the thermal performance of uPVC, aluminium is probably the material with the greatest flexibility and benefit in the long run. Aluminium is:

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